North Andover Town Moderator Mark S. DiSalvo has invited all North Andover citizens to the Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday May 19th 2015 at 7:00PM in the North Andover High School Auditorium. Find out all the details on The Town of North Andover Website.
Dear Neighbors:
Please allow me to invite all citizens to North Andover’s upcoming Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday evening May 19, 2015 commencing at 7:00PM in the North Andover High School auditorium.
Thank you for the privilege of presiding at Town Meeting the past three years. I have made a deliberate effort to preserve the traditions and procedures of Town Meeting, developed over centuries, while modernizing the functions and reach of the meeting. New procedures and rules have made the meeting both more transparent and efficient. The introduction of a large overhead screen that displays Warrant Articles, motions and changes in real-time for all to see provide for immediate understanding by all in attendance. I will continue to allow more informal conversation among participants for the purpose of easing voter understanding of the issues to be decided. The appointment of Citizen Advocates at the meeting to guide attendees in crafting motions or amendments that they wish to present will remain.
These initiatives, accompanied by significant improvements in broadcast quality and sound fidelity of the live broadcast and live-streaming of the meeting for the benefit of those citizens who cannot attend affords a richer and more comfortable Town Meeting experience for all – whether they are in the room or not.
Apropos of that, I continue to believe that Town Meeting has two onstituencies – those who attend and participate in the meeting and those who are governed by what is decided at Town Meeting. This fact spurred me, last year, to allow questions to be submitted from citizens who could not attend the meeting itself. Citizens observing the meeting but unable to attend were allowed to email questions to a secure website and, after proper vetting for redundancy and voter identity, have their question posed to the meeting. Only questions could be presented – no statements of position, amendments or motions were allowed.
This first time ever initiative in any Town Meeting anywhere was a success both in operation and process. Thank you to the volunteers and town officials who helped make it so. In my desire to assure that Town Meeting does not become an anachronism – a dinosaur of governance anchored to history and not relevant to the lives and society in which we live, I have decided to expand the program. This year I will relieve the restriction that questions be submitted only during the time the article is under review. In an effort to find the best mix of access and process I will open up the opportunity to submit questions prior to the Town Meeting itself. This may only be done via the Town’s web site with restrictions available for review on that site.
Many have wondered why we can’t have a virtual Town Meeting. I have little doubt that such an experience will yet happen in generations hence. Government practice and law do not allow such drastic opportunity, however, that does not mean we cannot continue to incrementally experience the future.
It is important to note that the power of the meeting remains with those who do take the time and effort to be present, listen, deliberate and vote at the meeting. While all power is in the room, all knowledge may not be in attendance. I recognize that there is inherent risk in this initiative but
will continue to develop this as we continue attempting improvement in Town Meeting.
The North Andover Town Charter gives the Moderator the unilateral power to establish rules of parliamentary procedure in simplified form for Town Meeting. Significant new rules of procedure, including the first-ever in the nation requirement of disclosure of personal financial interest, have now been established and part of our practice for the past three years.
There is one new rule, pertaining to distribution of materials at the meeting. Materials and handouts may not be distributed in the meeting place and/or during conduct of the meeting. All materials must be distributed outside the doors of the auditorium or placed on the table provided for such materials by the Town Clerk. It is strongly encouraged that all materials clearly state the author and/or person(s) responsible for the content of the material. I cannot require, as matter of civil liberty, attribution. However, I strongly recommend it as a simple courtesy to participants but also as a matter of credibility as opponents will deservedly exploit anonymity as a reason to not support the avowed interest.
Participating in our annual community assembly is a hallmark of Open Town Meeting. The general tenure of respectful deliberation and debate are governed by and evidenced in our neighbors’ adherence to the three simple behaviors below:
• It is asked that petitioners and follow-up speakers who address the meeting provide only new information in an effort to persuade undecided voters. Continued repetition of previously heard information as a show of support takes time and does little to positively influence the outcome of a vote.
• Please refrain from applause or negative responses during discussions.
• Keeping remarks brief and relevant shows respect for the value of your neighbors’ time. The most persuasive statements at Town Meeting are often those succinctly stated, disclosing new facts or arguments in an effort to advance a position while retaining the audience’s full attention. The five minute speaking time limit will be strictly enforced.
Lastly, please review the Simplified Rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Addendums on Electronic and Visual Presentations, a Glossary of Town Meeting Terms and Participants as well as the Town By-laws that relate to Town Meeting. These rules and other information, presented below, will be helpful to all who attend, speak and/or present at Town Meeting.
Participation at Town Meeting remains a unique tradition, one which differentiates New England towns from other regions of the country and from cities, and some towns, in our own Commonwealth. Open Town Meeting remains the most direct and inclusive form of participatory democracy ever utilized in any form of government on this earth. I invite you to contribute to this vital community conversation. Please do attend, as every vote counts – and at Town Meeting each vote has profound influence.
Mark S. DiSalvo
Town Moderator
179 Coventry Lane
[email protected]
Community Programs, at the request of the town moderator, will be offering a child care service to families attending the Annual Town Meeting at the High School on Tuesday May 19, 2015. See the details here.